At last some warmer weather! May is such a beautiful month here when the garden really wakes up, the unkempt wisteria bursting forth, just overlapping with the fading cherry blossom. I grow plants from seed, many saved from last year’s flowers and vegetables, and they are nearly ready to plant out now, although I shall await a benign spell of weather.
The birds are very hungry these days; my tame robin takes food from my hand each morning as I prepare their breakfast bird table mix. It is wonderful to hear their songs, and yesterday I heard the cuckoo for the first time this year, always a moment of joy for me.
I am hoping for a spell of calm weather so I can photograph some more new work; I have pegged my prices despite the latest rise in postage – all cards are still post free.
Thank you for visiting my website, your interest in my work is much appreciated.
I wish you a warm and sunny May, full of the joys of Spring!