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October was the wettest on record here on the Lincolnshire East coast, overcast and dull too, with very few sunny days. This photo was taken in November last year, a prettier picture than any I could take in the garden today. Fortunately we have escaped the pretty bad flooding not far from here.

I am preparing for Christmas, both domestically and in my stitching! There is always a lot to do at this time of year as November flashes past and by December there is not much time left to stitch for selling, or plan ahead for Christmas guests; I have learned it pays to get cracking early!

This year I have designed and stitched several new Christmas card designs, including the ‘White Christmas’ trio which is selling well; the Scandi-themed designs in red white and silvery grey are a new twist in some of my earlier designs. Seasonal framed items have been re-stotcked too, like ‘Robins with Mistletoe’ and ‘Blackbirds with Winter Berries’ which as one of my kind customers told me ‘make a special little gift to last a lifetime’ !

Here's hoping for some bright crisp frosty days to cheer us as we head towards Christmas!

Most of our vegetable harvesting is now done, with the last lot of tomatoes, and courgettes incorporated into a large pot of minestrone soup, along with a couple of the leeks (from the bed which will last all winter) and a couple of red peppers from the overgrown greenhouse. The soup is now potted up in the freezer all ready for cold winter days. The squashes are curing in the conservatory, taking up some of the space where Bramble likes to sleep!

The garden jobs change at this time of year; no more weeding and watering, but apples to store, the last seeds to collect, and logs to bring indoors. My work continues to be mostly geared to Christmas orders although most of them are delivered now, so I can begin designing and stitching the three commissions which are waiting. Then I will photograph and list new work here to re-stock what has been sold over the summer.

As we spend more time indoors and close the curtains earlier I notice the birds are again eagerly feeding from the bird table; the hens retire before our supper now, not after and the robin is singing again after his quiet period during the late summer moult. Golden October brings sunsets and conkers, acorns and spiders, roseships and berries!

The other day when picking beans I sensed for the first time this year that ‘end of summer’ feeling, a kind of turning point, a subtle shift in things, the dewy cobwebs all over the lawn in the mornings and the gentler golden light glowing on fruits and berries. The garden produce has been good this year, helped by frequent showers, and the greenhouse is full of tomatoes and peppers, with accompanying pots of basil and tarragon, my two favourite herbs.

This is my busiest month as I have to complete the collections of Christmas cards ordered by shops and galleries, all needed at the end of September for display from October. It is always a bit of a race to get all the different designs made in time as well as keeping up with the orders for ‘everyday’ designs which are pretty steady throughout the year. October will be more focussed on keeping this website topped up with Christmas cards and seasonal framed pieces, which I always enjoy as we glide through the Autumn days towards Christmas.

September is a beautiful month, one full of changes: first school, back to school, new school or leaving home for some, the seasonal shifts to earlier sunsets and cooler days; it can seem like summer in the morning and winter in the afternoon! But whatever September means for you I hope the month brings plenty of good times ahead, and thank you so much for coming to my website, every sale is very much appreciated.

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